Hartlepool EMRO Decision - Published

24 May


The Council have issued their formal notification of determination following the hearing on 7th May 2013.

This does little more that recite the observations made by and to the Licensing Committee and confirm the determination as read out at the hearing, namely:

"Hartlepool Borough Council does not believe that any level of violence or anti social behaviour should be regarded as an acceptable or inevitable consequence of a vibrant night time economy.

The Licensing Committee recognises the significant improvements that have been made to the town centre in terms of reducing violence but will consider the use of every tool made available to it to make Hartlepool's town centre a safer place to live, work and visit.

The Licensing Committee has considered the representations made by all parties and is satisfied that an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order could play a role in reducing violence still further but is mindful of the concerns raised by local licensees that a reduction in opening hours, in the current economic climate, could have serious consequences for the viability of their businesses.

The Licensing Committee has determined NOT to recommend that introduction of an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order at the current time but intends to revisit the issue next year to establish whether local licensees, and in particular the Hartlepool Licensees Association, have taken responsibility for continuing the previous improvements including an in-depth look at the Best Bar None scheme."

For those who wish to read the full reasons and summary of the hearing please follow the link.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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